The Signature Bag


Introducing our Signature Bag. Made from recycled, vegan pebbled leather, this chic and eco-friendly accessory is thoughtfully designed for lightweight travel, combining effortless style with practicality. Its compact yet spacious interior is perfect for organizing skincare and cosmetic essentials, while the durable material ensures your items are protected on the go. Whether for a weekend getaway or daily use, the Signature Bag is the perfect blend of sustainability and sophistication.

* Deluxe minis not included. 

"I’ve tried so many alternatives, and this is truly the best lightweight, non-greasy moisturizer that I’ve ever used on my face. I don’t like wearing makeup, but this product helps keep my complexion even and smooth all day, so I don’t have to! As a plus, the marzipan scent is lovely!"


"I'm a face oil devotee and this is my new favorite. The texture and the smell are great but most importantly my skin glows and really soaks it up. "


"I am in love with this lightweight face oil. It nourishes and softens my skin amazingly. I can feel it sinking into my skin immediately and doesn’t feel heavy like some facial oils. Plus the scent is heavenly. I use this every night and my skin has been looking brighter and more even. "

- Michelle Z.

Hands down the BEST thing for my skin! I originally purchased it because I wanted something for anti-aging but also for inflammation as I get cystic acne from time to time that can be very painful. It has worked wonders for both! 

- Jenny W.